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RE: bizzar problem...

2005-03-07 11:56:21
-----Original Message-----
Michelle Konzack


since yesterday I have a wired problem:

| procmail: Skipped "{"
| procmail: Closing brace unexpected

From what I can see it looks like it's related to this part:

    # Filter all Bug lists Messages in folder "BTS_Debian"
    # with alphanumerical subfolders
    * ^Subject:.*(Bug list for package |Processed: Bugindex )
        SUB = `formail -zX Subject: |sed -e "s/Bug\ list\ 
for\ package\ //" -e "s/Processed://" -e "s/Bugindex//" -e "s/,//"`
        :0 fh
        | formail -i "$SUB"
        * $ ^Subject:.*\/[^$SP]+$
        * MATCH ?? ^\/[^$]+
          PACKAGE = `grep "$MATCH" 
$HOME/.procmail/LIST_srcbin |cut -d ":" -f1`
          * PACKAGE ?? ^\/.

I'm not a procmail expert but it looks like you have an 'extra' set of
braces there. The first brace is followed by another right off and
contains nothing in it save the other braces (and their formulas).

I don't know how procmail deals with empty braces so maybe it doesn't
like them much and is dropping the first redundant one it sees, thus
making the closing brace (that is still there) "unexpected".

Just a thought. Hope that helps.

Paul Pettit
CTO and IS Manager
Consistent Computer Bargains Inc.

I've heard it said that the proof of lunacy is when you repeat the same
steps expecting different results.  I say it's proof that you're a
Microsoft user. - comment by deshi777 on

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