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RE: Bizzar behaviour with message/rfc822

2006-01-21 10:54:50

From: Michelle Konzack
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:26 AM


But I do not understand why.

It is since the upgrade last year.

If I use fetchmail->procmail directly, it works,but not:

  __( '/usr/bin/tdformail' )____________________________________________
|   let NUM=1
|   for MSG in `find $BASE -type f ! -name maildirfolder` ; do
|     # Let us see, how many files are filtered and there subject line
|     RETVAL=`grep "^Subject: " $MSG`
|     echo $NUM" : $RETVAL" |cut --characters=1-79
|     # Now we filter.
|     cat $MSG |formail -ds $MDA $RCFILE
|     err_msg $?
|     ################################################################
|     # Remove the originating file
|     if [ "$REMOVE" == "YES" ] || [ "$REMOVE" == "yes" ] ; then
|       rm -f $MSG
|     fi
|     let NUM=$NUM+1
|   done

I have tested one message/rfc822 and $MSG was ok, but after processing

        cat $MSG |formail -ds $MDA $RCFILE

I have two or more messages.  Please note, that I use this script
since 2 years and the error occuredfor some month the first time.

Perhaps it is the -d switch added above?  The -d switch is intended
only for digests and malformed mailboxes:

 -d   Tell formail that the messages it is supposed to split need not be
            in  strict mailbox format (i.e., allows you to split
            cles or non-standard mailbox formats).  This disables
            of the Content-Length: field.

What may be happening is formail is ignoring the Content-Length and picking
up the presence of the internal From:/Date:/Subject: sequence and splitting
that out?

Here's something I used to detect digests, and to reserve -d only for
those situations where it is needed:

# Filter out noise added into digests
:0 f
* ^Subject:.*digest
| sed -e '/^------------------------------/d' \
      -e '/^End of .* Digest/d' \
      -e '/^\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*/d'

# if it looks like a digest, then split it up
:0 f
* ^Content-Type:.*multipart/digest
| formail -m 3 +1 -ds

:0 Ef
* ^Subject:[    ]*[a-zA-Z0-9]*[         ]*digest[       ]*[0-9]*
| formail -m 3 +1 -ds

It is an interesting question as to why this failed when you upgraded
your system.  One way to find out would be to get the source RPM's for
the before/after versions, and see where they differ, particularly
in the 'formail' area.  Or perhaps you changed some of your scripts
around the same time?

PS: even with the checking for the possibility of a digest above,
note that -ds isn't foolproof, and if the digest itself held a
full message, formail might carve it out, even if the messages
is encapsulated in a MIME wrapper.

  - Gary

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