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Re: mail from the future

2007-02-13 11:57:51
Am 2007-02-07 00:15:25, schrieb ignotus(_at_)freemail(_dot_)hu:
Hello, rarely I get mail "from the future" (the Date header carries a
date that is in the future).  In this case, I would like to replace the
Date header with the current date from procmail, how can I do that?  I
am sure lot of people would like to have a solution for this.

You can do something like:

  # Maximum allowed DIFF in seconds

  # Get the Date/time from the Message
  MAILDATE=`formail -czX Date:`
  # Convert the Date/Time to a Serialdate
  M_DATE=`date --date="${MAILDATE}" +%s`

  # Get the current RFC-Date
  RFC_DATE=`date --rfc-822`
  # Convert thew current RFC-Date to Serialdate
  C_DATE=`date --date="${RFC_DATE}" +%s`

  # Calculate the difference in Seconds
  DIFF=`echo "${C_DATE}-${M_DATE}" |bc`

  # Filter the E-Mail IF the DIFF-Seconds are bigger then X
  # How to check a VAR, whether the Value is greater then X? 
  :0 fw
  * -${SECS}^0
  * ${DIFF}^1
  |formail -fI "Date: ${RFC_DATE}"

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
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