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recipe failure

2008-07-05 21:03:34
I've done a lot of RTFMing and internet searching but can't find an answer to 
I have been going nuts for a long time trying to get procmail to transfer one mailing list's messages into the appropriate Alpine file. I posted about this to the list quite a while ago and got a couple of suggestions that didn't work. I'm hoping someone may have some other ideas.

The email headers I'm trying to filter on are

To: Main PLUG discussion list 


List-Id: Main PLUG discussion list <>

I have tried:

* ^TO:.*<plug-discuss(_at_)lists(_dot_)PLUG(_dot_)phoenix(_dot_)az(_dot_)us>



* ^TO:(_dot_)plug-discuss(_at_)lists(_dot_)plug(_dot_)phoenix(_dot_)az(_dot_)us

I have also tried "TO_" for all of these but they generated lock failures.
Everything I try generates a log entry such as:

procmail: No match on 

This is true of other mailing list recipes (altho others of the same form work)
Any ideas or pointers to docs addressing this appreciated.

Bob Holtzman
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"
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