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Adding to the body & forwarding

2008-10-01 00:08:33
Hi All,
I am effectively trying to add a string to an email body and forward the result. I am trying to stay within procmail/formail to do so if possible.

I tried this:

| (formail -I "Subject: change" \
             -I "To: test(_at_)test(_dot_)com"; \
             echo "change to $change") | $sendmail -t

Here's what I observe:
*Using formail - I To: as above didn't cause sendmail to send to that address
*If I want to forward to several people I guess I can -I "To: email1, email2, email3 *I keep getting an error message (maybe because of the above) :executing echo - then the value of $change - then echo echo no such file or directory

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


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