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Re: Matching a word on Subject or Body

2009-05-11 14:22:02
On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 11:02:15AM -0600, LuKreme wrote:

Something more like

* 9876543210^0 ^Subject:*word*
* 9876543210^0 B ?? ^^word

You're making a few of the same mistakes he did.


means a headername of Subject followed by zero or more colons.
(You won't find a headername of "Subject" with any number of colons
other than one, unless it is malformed or corrupt, but that's
neither here no there.)  Now comes "word".  No spaces or other
characters allowed.  But wait: you're accepting "wor" with zero
or more instances of the letter "d" thereafter.  Bad.

Aside from the fact that we'll almost certainly never match
on anything with that condition, if we ever did match something,
we also would run the danger of overmatching.  We'd get any and
all of 

   worble worcester word wordable wordably wordage wordbook wordbuilding
   wordcraft wordcraftsman worded Worden worder wordily wordiness
   wording wordish wordishly wordishness wordle wordless wordlessly
   wordlessness wordlike wordlorist wordmaker wordmaking wordman
   wordmanship wordmonger wordmongering wordmongery wordplay
   wordsman wordsmanship wordsmith wordspite wordster Wordsworthian
   Wordsworthianism wordy wore work workability workable workableness
   workaday workaway workbag workbasket workbench workbook workbox
   workbrittle workday worked worker workfellow workfolk workfolks
   workgirl workhand workhouse workhoused working workingly workingman
   workingwoman workless worklessness workloom workman workmanlike
   workmanlikeness workmanliness workmanly workmanship workmaster
   workmistress workout workpan workpeople workpiece workplace workroom
   works workship workshop worksome workstand worktable worktime
   workways workwise workwoman workwomanlike workwomanly worky workyard
   world worlded worldful worldish worldless worldlet worldlike
   worldlily worldliness worldling worldly worldmaker worldmaking
   worldproof worldquake worldward worldwards worldway worldy worm
   wormed wormer wormhole wormholed wormhood Wormian wormil worming
   wormless wormlike wormling wormproof wormroot wormseed wormship
   wormweed wormwood wormy worn wornil wornness worral worriable
   worricow worried worriedly worriedness worrier worriless worriment
   worrisome worrisomely worrisomeness worrit worriter worry worrying
   worryingly worryproof worrywart worse worsement worsen worseness
   worsening worser worserment worset worship worshipability worshipable
   worshiper worshipful worshipfully worshipfulness worshipingly
   worshipless worshipworth worshipworthy worst worsted wort worth
   worthful worthfulness worthiest worthily worthiness worthless
   worthlessly worthlessness worthship worthward worthy

(Etc.)  That's, of course, using the fictitious word "wor" as a thing
to match on.  You need some kind of boundary.

Also, it would be nice to test your suggestions.  When I have
time, I do so.  When I don't have time, I state that I did not.

The recipe I provided already will be fine for what he wants.
I did test it.


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