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Re: Re: Re: Filtering MS-Office Attachments

2009-09-10 06:35:41
In message <20090910101443(_dot_)GA8754(_at_)mobile>,
        Thomas Göbel (goebel(_dot_)thomas(_at_)gmx(_dot_)net) wrote:
* <goebel(_dot_)thomas(_at_)gmx(_dot_)net> [10.09.2009 11:22]:
* <linux4michelle(_at_)tamay-dogan(_dot_)net> [17.07.2009 18:45]:
Do you want to send the incoming message or only the mailreply?
If later one, you should use:

        { DUMMY=`msmtp -a gmx "$TO" < $HOME/.mailreply.iso` }

tried this recipe and it works, thank you. Just one thing i want to
change. I get the reply-adress via 
    TO=`formail -rtzxTo:`
This also works very well, but now sending the reply with the dummy
command shown above there is no TO: header in the sent reply.
Is it possible that the adress where the reply will be sent to is
written in a TO: header?

Hi again,
i found a solution. A part of the recipe is now:

              FOO=`sed -e "1a\To: $TO" $HOME/.mailreply > $HOME/.mail`
              DUMMY=`msmtp -a gmx "$TO" < $HOME/.mail`
              BAR=`rm $HOME/.mail`

I have no idea if this is a good procmail code or not. If i should
change it to something else please let me know!

If there is no condition why do you need the :0, { and } ?  As for the
shell code, why have you used an intermediate file rather than a pipe?
I came up with the following.  NB: the sed(1) I have did not like your

DUMMY=`echo "To: $TO" | cat - $HOME/.mailreply | msmtp -a gmx "$TO"`


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