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Re: Discussions on the ProcMail list

2010-08-24 14:17:10
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, ProcMail wrote:

Sorry if this is a stupid question:

What is the correct way to discuss something on this ProcMail list? When I post 
to the list replies come to me directly, so when I reply again my response only 
goes to that one sender instead of the whole list.

It is an email system so emails will be sent to you. You participate by sending your email to procmail(_at_)lists(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE

I have my email client set up to put in a reply-to: header so that you should be given the choice by your email client to reply to me or to the list.


( Please address personal email to alan@ as lists@ is not read. )

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