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Re: Recommendations for Procmail Based Bayesian Filters

2010-10-20 07:22:02
On Sat, 16 Oct 2010, Jostein Berntsen wrote:

On 15.10.10,14:32, Matthew G. Saroff wrote:
        Just wondering.  The implimentation of SpamAssassin on Panix does
not implement sa-learn, so I was wondering what you folks might use.

Matthew Saroff

I use spamassassin which works fine. On this site the author suggests
using Bogofilter together with bmf and qsf:


Well, with some searching around, it turns out that even though Panix does not support the Bayesian filtering on SpamAssassin, it does have Bogofilter installed.

So, I'm training the filter with bogofilter -n < filename and bogofilter -s <filename right now, and I'm looking to impliment Procmail recipes.

After a quick Google, it looks like the recipe to get Bogofilter to tag a message would be # Invoke bogofilter.
:0 fw

Though some use the -u flag, which would filter and add the results to the database?

 | bogofilter -u -e -p

Then check on the exbogosity flag, and filter spam, and unsure reaults into their respective folder:

# If all filters agree it's maxi-spam, file it.
* ^X-Bogosity: Spam

* ^X-Bogosity: Unsure

        Is this what other people use?

Matthew G. Saroff, E.I.T.
Owings Mills, MD
E-mail: msaroff(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com

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