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Re: shell errors

2013-09-10 05:32:22
If the logging doesn't cast enough light, I'd comment each one out in
turn, to rule it out. (Or half to begin with, to halve the search.)
If none of them are the culprit, things become even more interesting.

Yes, debugging is tricky, as procmail recipes are interpreted
at run time, not compiler checked in whole in advance.

Normaly I leave this commented out
# VERBOSE=YES   # For debugging only. Grows Rapidly !
& just have 

Then when something breaks I enable verbose & pass the breaking
mail through again, or wait till a similar error.

Sometimes using repeated binary divide, commenting out progressively
more/less to hunt down a bad .procmailrc recipe, keep passing the
failing mail through until I saw what breaks.

Recently I extended one of my Makefiles to call my brackets program
to check exit values on my .procmailrc files. Its not ideal, but
helps detects broken syntax before it fails.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
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