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Re: Matching literal dot in To

2015-06-13 09:16:53

On 2015-06-13 15:56, Erik Christiansen wrote:
On 13.06.15 12:58, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
On 12.06.15 21:14, Moby wrote:

Chuck, the goal is to put the message in a particular folder if ~any~
of the addresses in the To field is of the form abc.def@some.domain.

Why call external processes like formail and egrep?

To process the "To:" header line _without_ anchoring the regex, so that
the stated goal can be met. (But mostly because the first workable
solution that comes to mind is sufficient if it does the job. :-)

Try this:

* ^To:.*\<[^.@]+@

or use a macro:

* ^TO_.*\<[^.@]+@

Err, how does that find xxx.yyy@zzz in any of many addresses on the

Ah, I misread the problem; I assumed that any address *without* a dot in the local part should lead to delivery.

But following your lead back into procmail regexes, so long as the .*
matches up until _all_ of the rest matches, then this may do the trick:

    * ^TO_.*\<[^.@]+\.[^.@]+@

That'll find a match in an nth address so long as the regex engine backs
into .* all partial matches until a full match is found. Should do.

Yes. (Unless encodings or newlines are involved.)

Greetings, Ruud
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