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[OT] draft-ietf-marid-protocol-03 - scope questions and comments

2004-10-21 05:39:12
On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 12:14, william(at)elan.net wrote:

  5. System Admins are grownups.

Ahhhh... I have to disagree with you here. Having done dedicated servers
for various customers for a while, I can tell you that many of them are 
not grownups at all (some are literally 14 years old, although they'll try
to hide it...). Its just so tiresome to have to explain to them what they 
did wrong or having to fix their dns records...

Catching up on some old e-mail I read this and I have to agree strongly
as regards #5.  Anyone who had the misfortune of serving Counter-Strike
or Day of Defeat up until now saw just how many "sysadmins" are

And not to attribute a certain level of intelligence with age (or rather
a lack there of), for I was quite bright and very willing and eager to
learn and adopt new things when I was 12.  I think one of the guys
running one of oldest running BBSes around where I lived nearly shit his
pants when I called him up asking for the modem INIT string he was using
and after first confusing me with a young girl because my nads hadn't
dropped yet, he found it quite hard to fathom that not only had I
managed to convince someone to incur the cost of long distance charges
to deliver FidoNet and other news goodness*) but that I was capable of
representing myself in an adultlike manner.  I'll stress that due to my
size I had trouble even passing my self off as a Grad student, so I took
full advantage of the textual medium and worked it well in my advantage.

* This might not seem like a big deal now but man it was, in fact, I
laboured quite hard over getting RemoteAccess and FrontDoor to work
together, something I never truly despised dealing with until years
later someone introduced me to Linux and BSD.  I remember the day I
first got listed in Mind Link's BBS list and even got the all sacred 'n'
in my list of "supported features".  I mananged to track down a BBS list
http://www.playernet.net/pub/services/bbslist.html or alternatively
http://6o4.ca/bbs/bbslist.html)(which is long out of date but you can
see my miss spelt "Abyss" at the top of the list under "Systems Outside
of the Greater Vancouver Calling Area".  I sure as hell couldn't spell
properly, but other then that I made out pretty well :-)

Looooong story short I think there are those in here who bear a much
stronger resemblance to both the "indecisive would-be el-presidente"
Sen. John Kerry, but worse, almost identical in approach and method to
what I'm quite sure is the absolute worst president the USA has ever
had, and if not, most certainly the most stupid (George "dramatic duhhhh
pause" Bush Jr.) then either of those do to their own media afforded
persona's.  If I have to hear "Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time" once
more I think I'll implode.  Although off topic I believe you will
quickly see the correlation with attitudes and the like in this forum.

If a site really wants to publish both 
SPF TXT records and some other kind of TXT, that site can easily take 
responsibility for making sure the combined answer is small enough to be 
served correctly.  Requiring a prefix makes more work for everyone, while 
requiring people who have conflicting TXT records to work it out on their 
own somehow makes more work only for them, and acceptable workarounds do 
exist.  Most SPF records are small enough to share space in the packet with 
other TXT records, so SPF is not really consuming all of a scarce resource.

Why do I continue to hear MOST? Doesnt it seem like that if we do have a 
even a few that will not be complaint and solution that will make such 
problem disappear that it makes sense to use the solution?

I lost my virginal naivety as regards the chances of any logical
behaviour taking place on the Internet long long ago.  I dare say we are
lucky to have what we do (in relation to core internet services).  
Until Microcrap got involved here we had our disagreements but we had
ZERO problem with forward movement.  

More players means a slower game, but !(_at_)_#($!(_at_)# christ we're stuck in 
void here man!  If its not people rehashing old issues, and others
facilitating actual discussion of these, its other posts by those who
clearly are pawns of Microcrap.  Do you want to know how to identify
them?  Simply serve a logical statement to any proponent of PRA or
SUBMITTER and then sit back and enjoy.

At any rate, looks like my world is done time to rebooten!


James Couzens,
                                                     ( ( (      
      ((__))         __\|/__        __|-|__        '. ___ .'    
       (00)           (o o)          (0~0)        '  (> <) '    
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
http://www.InboxEvent.com/?s=d --- Inbox Event Nov 17-19 in Atlanta features 
SPF and Sender ID.
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