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Re: Re: RFC 2821 and responsibility for forwarding

2004-12-07 08:10:08
On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 09:04 -0600, Daniel Taylor wrote:
BING! Give the man a cookie, he begins to get it!

You're missing the point. I said "your proposed solution". There are
other solutions to the problem, which _can_ tell the difference between
forged mail and valid mail which has undergone normal forwarding.

It is the type of forwarding that is indistinguishable from forgery
that is the only type effected by SPF.

SPF is trying to _stop_ people from effecting this kind of forwarding. 
You seem to be particularly confused today.

Contrary to your assertion here, I have yet to see a solution
to the forgery problem that combines the utility and usability
of SPF in one solution.  The sorts of hack necessary to prevent
up front forgery while allowing forgery-based forwarding inherently
reduce the usability and transparency of the system.

Be specific. Perhaps when you've sobered up?


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