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[OT] Re: Spam Zombies use ISP's MX to proliferate their trash...

2005-02-04 02:44:45
On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 10:23 +0100, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 12:18:29AM -0800,
 James Couzens <jcouzens(_at_)6o4(_dot_)ca> wrote 
 a message of 50 lines which said:

Many of you will likely find this interesting,

Extremely old news, known for a long time. Only interesting for

Yes we KNOW its been happening, the point is that by the time the media
get wind of something, it means that its likely a growing trend (which I
believe it to be especially as more and more ISP's jump on board with
the blocking of port 25).  

You (like myself) are in a position to discover this by simply doing
your job, however I do believe there are likely a fair number of
individuals here who although sure they run or are in a position of
administration over and e-mail system(s), don't necessarily operate them
on the same level as an ISP and thus wouldn't necessarily be privy to
this information first hand.



James Couzens,
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