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Re: SPF For Sendmail

2005-02-21 05:04:30
Well, thats the kind of problems you deal with when running open
source software ;)

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 02:09:24 -0800, James Couzens <jcouzens(_at_)6o4(_dot_)ca> 
On Sat, 2005-01-01 at 14:49 +1300, Lennon - Orcon wrote:
Hi folks

I look after quite a large mail cluster (500,000+ messages a
day)(using sendmail) and I've been using spf-milter
(http://www.acme.com/software/spfmilter/) for a while and I don't find
it very reliable at all (yes it does it job), but it dies every 1-2

I've tried spf-milter
(http://spf.pobox.com/sendmail-milter-INSTALL.txt) also does it job
but it dies after a few hours

The question is... What do other people use with sendmail for SPF and
how do they find them?


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