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Re: Re: Compile error

2005-03-16 19:44:07
Frank Ellermann wrote:

Oleg M. Golovanov wrote:
I tried to set LDFLAGS & CPPFLAGS manually to point on
where to search header file with definition of NXDOMAIN
but it did not work.

On my system (OS/2 gcc) it's in ../include/arpa/nameser.h #define NXDOMAIN 3

For another compiler it's also ../include/arpa/nameser.h
and the same #define (for ../include read "an include path").
On my system I have:
in file /usr/include/arpa/nameser_compat.h
#define NXDOMAIN        ns_r_nxdomain

and in file /usr/include/arpa/nameser.h
typedef enum __ns_rcode {
       ns_r_noerror = 0,       /* No error occurred. */
       ns_r_formerr = 1,       /* Format error. */
       ns_r_servfail = 2,      /* Server failure. */
       ns_r_nxdomain = 3,      /* Name error. */
       ns_r_notimpl = 4,       /* Unimplemented. */
       ns_r_refused = 5,       /* Operation refused. */
       /* these are for BIND_UPDATE */
       ns_r_yxdomain = 6,      /* Name exists */
       ns_r_yxrrset = 7,       /* RRset exists */
       ns_r_nxrrset = 8,       /* RRset does not exist */
       ns_r_notauth = 9,       /* Not authoritative for zone */
ns_r_notzone = 10, /* Zone of record different from zone section */
       ns_r_max = 11
} ns_rcode;
#ifdef BIND_4_COMPAT
#include <arpa/nameser_compat.h>

and in the file spf_sys_config.h (from spflib2 source):
# ifdef HAVE_NS_TYPE
#  include <arpa/nameser.h>             /* DNS HEADER struct */
# else
/* looks like they have bind4/8 include files, use bind9 */
#  define HAVE_BIND8
#  include "../libreplace/arpa_nameser.h"
#  define HAVE_NS_TYPE 1                /* we have it now               */
# endif

then :
# grep nxdom ../libreplace/arpa_nameser.h
       ns_r_nxdomain = 3,      /* Name error. */

So I think that your way to solve this problem is not clear.
The problem is more deep and have to be solved in the source.

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