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Re: RFC (request for comments): Summary of SenderID/PRA concerns

2005-06-24 19:32:43
On Fri, Jun 24, 2005 at 06:37:50PM -0400, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Fri, 24 Jun 2005, Hector Santos wrote:

If the following 2822 header is present:

Return-Path: ABC
Resent-Sender: DEF
From: XYZ

The PRA would be DEF.   Why would this DEF display be prominent?  Should it

I would hope, since it is Microsoft's baby, that they would at least
display the PRA in their own mail clients (hotmail,Outlook).

Outlook (and most likely Hotmail), displays messages with a Sender Header
like so:

From: <value of Sender header> on behalf of <value of original From header>

I would imagine any other PRA header should produce the same results.