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Re: Next strategic steps for SPF

2005-06-27 05:09:47

I'm new to SPF and to this discussion group. So please take what I'm about to write with a grain of salt.

1.      I would suggest market education about SPF

From what I understand most drug companies focus on consumer education more so than physician education because then they have the patients asking the doctors for the medication.

Here you can have consumers asking if their providers know about and support SPF.

I would love to see educational material for providers to use (and share the burden of the cost of education) to educate their customers.

2. I believe you would lose people if you don't make SPF 3 backwards compatible with SPF 1.

Hosting automation vendors like Positive Software at http://www.psoft.net/ just included SPF 1 support in their H-Sphere 2.4.3 product.

While I'm sure the developers at Psoft could easily update for SPF 3 support. Solid development doesn't turn on a time (unless security is involved, and then even with care).

I believe existing adopters may be scared off if there is no backward compatibility; at least to allow a bridge so that the move to SPF 3 (if this is sound) can take place in a meaningful, controlled, quality manner.


In any event, education should really be a focus.

Thank you.

--- Peter M. Abraham

At 07:28 AM 6/27/2005, you wrote:
For discussion...

Where are we now:

1) Have working 'authority' in place - the Council
2) Are about to get effective communications medium in place
     - the web site with its own URL
3) Have IETF recognition - the Experimental draft

Current problems and issues:

1) M$ abuse of V1 records
2) No satisfactory resolution of 'forwarding issue'
3) Market confusion over whether SID/SPF2 supersedes SPF1
4) Various technical proposals for 'next generation' SPF to be
      discussed, analysed, and documented


a) Define quickly  a SPF3.0 based on the existing SPF 1 feature set
b) Include within SPF3.0 records support for multiple entity tests (incl. PRA)
c) Declare SPF1 obsolete and replaced by SPF3.0
d) Encourage all existing publishers to migrate their records from SPF1 to SPF3 a.s.a.p. e) After this is done, start to consider new / modified features, as part of an SPF3.1
f) Start separate/parallel exercise on the 'forwarding issue'

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