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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: DKIM modifier

2005-09-11 11:33:17
Frank Ellermann wrote:

It's obviously useless for all other receivers.  So what is
it that a SPF + op=dkim + DKIM receiver would do differently
from a SPF + DKIM receiver ?  And whatever that is, do you
still want what you'd get from a pure SPF or a SPF + DKIM
(without op=dkim support) receiver for a FAIL (i.e. reject) ?

SPF + DKIM by itself can never reject before DATA.

SPF + op=DKIM + DKIM can still reject before data for SPF Fail without op=DKIM.

This isn't about SPF per se, but how one might combine two technologies to get a better result.

SPF Pass means don't worry about dealing with DKIM, you already have a Pass.

SPF Neutral/Softfail, well you have to keep looking anyway, so no change.

SPF Fail + op=DKIM means please go to DATA and see if there is a signature there before you reject. In the absence of a signature, there isn't even a need to do the DKIM DNS queries before you reject.

DKIM without SPF is unaffected.

Scott K

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