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Re: [spf-discuss] Bounce-Spam and SPF-Ignorant ISPs - it is time to retaliate?

2005-11-27 04:45:28
Chris in <588785305(_dot_)20051127120845(_at_)pobox(_dot_)com>:

I have been getting 50,000+ "bounce spam" emails each day since as far
back as my logs reach (September 2005).

I cannot blacklist this junk because it always comes from real mail
servers, like AOL etc.

Try the spam-l list. There are representatives from aol, rr, etc,
on there and they'll respond to objective evidence.


Start with aol. Count the number you received yesterday / last
week / last month and provide a recent example which demonstrates
that it came to you direct from a legitimate aol smtp client - a
short extract from your smtp server log would be ideal.

Meanwhile, read <http://postmaster.aol.com/> thoroughly. You
should find that your circumstances are covered therein.

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