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[spf-discuss] Re: Contact page requests going to SPF-discuss

2006-07-09 06:03:21
"Gino" == Gino Cerullo
"Re: Contact page requests going to SPF-discuss"
 Sat, 8 Jul 2006 18:45:51 -0400

    Gino> Change the confidentiality statement just above the form so
    Gino> that it reads as follows:

Agreed.  Consider the following for precision and diction.

    Gino> Confidentiality:

    Gino> Submissions that are marked as 'Confidential' will be kept
    Gino> private and only be discussed amongst project staff.

Submissions marked 'Confidential' shall be made available only within
the OpenSPF project.

    Gino> Submissions that are marked as 'Not Confidential' may be
    Gino> discussed publicly on the various project's mailing
    Gino> lists. Your name, organization, email address, domain name,
    Gino> etc., if submitted, will be included.

    Gino> Please note that the project's mailing list's are open to
    Gino> and searchable by the general Internet population.

Submissions marked 'Not Confidential' may appear, in whole or in part,
on the project's public mailing lists.  In particular, any names or
addresses in a non-confidential submission may appear on public
mailing lists.  The project's public mailing lists are archived and
the lists and archives are accessible to the general public.


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