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[spf-discuss] Re: Apache SpamAssassin SPF checks

2006-11-10 08:06:53
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Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote on spf-council:
Stuart D. Gathman wrote on spf-council:
Spamassasin needs to use Received-SPF, not do their SPF check.  Has
anyone spoken to them about this?   In addition to the inaccuracy of
doing it after the fact, it *does* amplify any DDos (by some factor
reduced by ISP caching) as DougO points out.

I looked at this briefly long ago.  In short, I'd sooner have us abandon
SPF support than use existing Received-SPF headers *by default* (I have
considered making it an option, but haven't had the tuits to do it yet).


  - the vast majority of mail processed by SA worldwide (not necessarily
    # of installations, but actual mail volume) scans the mail during or
    immediately following SMTP time... the number of cached lookups
    expiring within seconds is normally exceedingly low

  - in a very large number of cases we can't trust the Received-SPF
    header since the Received-SPF header (like DK/DKIM headers and most
    other stuff's headers) are usually placed before (in time, ie below)
    the trusted MX's Received header

According to RFC 4408, section 7, the "Received-SPF" header "SHOULD be 
prepended to the existing header, above the Received: field that is 
generated by the SMTP receiver."

I think it would be acceptable (and I would actually recommend) to ignore 
any "Received-SPF" headers that are below the trusted MX's "Received" 

     - I've always thought this (having all headers added by a single
       relay being placed under that same relay's Received header) to be
       a really bad idea, I really should be more vocal about it

I agree with that.  The "Received" header really is the anchor, and all 
secondary trace headers should be placed _above_ it.

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