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[spf-discuss] Updated Perl Policy Server for Postfix

2007-02-04 16:42:22
With help from Julian Mehnle, I've just finished updating the Perl version of 
the SPF policy server for Postfix to use his new Mail:SPF library.

So in addition to Python, there is now a pure Perl Postfix solution available 
for RFC 4408 compliant SPF checking.

I have given the is reasonable amount of testing, but I'd appreciate feedback 
(preferably to spf-devel).  I'll be submitting this to Ubuntu Linux this week 
once Mail:SPF gets into their repository.

For the release, please see:


The README can be found at:


Mail:SPF should be significantly faster and more robust than Mail:SPF:Query 
(it also incorporates substantially better error detection), so I encourage 
anyone using the older version of the policy server to migrate to the new 
policy server/SPF library as soon as is feasible for you.

Scott K

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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