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[spf-discuss] Re: out of the starting gate, SPF is broke

2007-02-25 18:07:07
bill ries-knight wrote:
I have been wondering for some time now on the true value of SPF in
the real world.  I feel that, out of the starting gate, SPF is broke.

I've seen immediate benefits from using SPF. While true it isn't a fix-all, what is? As part of a score-based filtering system like SpamAssassin it's another very useful metric.

Every so often one of my domains will be picked on by a spammer and I used to get flooded with bounces from them spamming around. With SPF I've seen this significantly reduced and the more email providers that start using it the better.

For less savvy users I'm sure SPF will be very useful for protecting against phishing and fraud when more banks and sites like PayPal start to use it.

I for one am thankful for the SPF project and hope to see it and similar mechanisms more widely adopted.

Dave Cardwell.
Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org/
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