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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: "pretend" MAIL FROM

2007-03-13 06:10:07
On Tuesday 13 March 2007 08:49, John A. Martin wrote:
"Scott" == Scott Kitterman

    Scott> That was in the original page posted by Stuart Gathman.
    Scott> He, AFAIK, doesn't read spf-help, so I'd recommend you ask
    Scott> him on spf-discuss (it's a better topic for discuss
    Scott> anyway).

Thank you, Scott.  I am merely asking for information.

No problem.  As a general rule, I think spf-help is a good list for 'How do 
I ..." questions and spf-discuss is a good list for what/why questions.  
Generally speaking the subscribers to spf-help know much less about e-mail 
and SPF than those to spf-discuss and so it's more likely a free ranging 
discussion about forwarding or other issues is going to cause confusion.

I'm curious too now.  I hadn't noticed that before and I certainly didn't know 
what it meant either.

Scott K

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