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Re: [spf-discuss] FTC Spam Summit

2007-07-10 06:39:33
It might be helpful to know your real name. :)

On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 09:26:47AM -0400, Dotzero wrote:
If anyone else is attending the FTC Spam Summit -
http://ftc.gov/bcp/workshops/spamsummit/index.shtml, feel free to
introduce yourself. I'll be the fellow gimping around wearing a knee

Looks like SPF is basically being ignored (unless you count SID as SPF).

Not really seeing anything that reeks of new, innovative and effective.

The first panel has an interesting participant.

:: Jeff Macdonald | Principal Engineer, Messaging Technologies
:: e-Dialog | jmacdonald(_at_)e-dialog(_dot_)com
:: 131 Hartwell Ave. | Lexington, MA 02421 
:: v: 781-372-1922 | f: 781-863-8118 
:: www.e-dialog.com

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