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[spf-discuss] launching Mail::SPF's spfd on osx with launchd/(x)inetd?

2007-07-29 20:49:40
i'm setting up to use Mail::SPF's spfd on with an exim acl on an osx box.

easy enough to launch the daemon on debian etc, per example:

        /usr/sbin/spfd -s /tmp/spfd --socket-user Debian-exim --socket-group
mail --socket-perms 777 -set-user Debian-exim --set-group mail &

and, can be similarly done on osx, of course.

an alternative on osx is to use 'launchd', and the option for running
under (x)inetd compatibility.

anyone here done that as yet, and willing to share a launchd config
that works? or comments why it's not a good idea ... ?


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