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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Revising SOFTFAIL

2008-01-05 09:04:48
On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 08:37:55AM -0700, Edmig wrote:

If the HELO name ends in the domain of the return address, assume no
forwarding, and reject on SPF fail.  If not, assume forwarding, and don't
use SPF.

Consider one provider "provider.example" and three clients
"client1.example", "client2.example" and "client3.example".

All clients send mail using their provider. Perhaps mail is even
generated at that provider's host, for example newsletters which
are composed using an HTML form.

Which name should the provider's host have? Most likely it will be
like "mailhost.provider.example", and not using one of its clients'
domain name. And if it did, which one? Why that one?

There is *no* simple rule which says that a sending host's name
has to match the sender's email address.


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