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[spf-discuss] Re: Forwarder whitelisting counter-proposal: SPF "i-am=" modifier

2008-01-09 04:54:31
Scott Kitterman wrote:

Don't both these proposals amount to "forwarders" saying
"trust me I'm a forwarder - you can just skip rejecting
SPF Fail mail from me"?  Wouldn't anyone trying to forge
mail and "beat" SPF claim to be a forwarder?
The only entity that can reliably identify a forwarder is
the receiver that establishes the forwarding relationship.

+1 wrt Julian's proposal (I didn't check the revised TENBOX).

We discussed op=meng (renamed to op=trust) back in 2005, and
I dropped it as useless later:  Of course "final receivers"
can whitelist "traditional forwarders" based on a HELO PASS
if the forwarder offers it.  But they don't need a modifier
or option for this piece of "receiver policy" magic.  Plain
RFC 4408 SPF will do for this purpose.


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