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Re: [spf-discuss] Statement of Forwarding Problem

2008-01-25 05:30:02
David MacQuigg wrote:
I'll paraphrase Michael's statement, since that seems to be
the best we have so far.  As you may recall, he broke it down
into three problems:

I would add the problem of managing forwarding agreements, as
I sketched it in a recent post of mines. I'd call it privacy-
compliant forwarding.

I would also drop Michael's letters "S", "K", "B". I keep
forgetting what they mean. I propose longer names like so:

SPF-compliant forwarding
Problem S - To technologies like SPF, messages forwarded
without re-writing the Return Address appear to be forgeries.

Reputation-safe forwarding
Problem K - Forwarders will accumulate "bad karma" when they
innocently pass on spam to a downstream Agent without prior
arrangement, or with arrangements that are mistakenly

SMTP-compliant forwarding
Problem B - Mail may be lost when a Receiver accepts a
message without authenticating the Return Address and a
downstream Agent rejects it.

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