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[spf-discuss] Re: Obivous forged email reply with bad SPF info... Here is a header...

2008-08-01 10:31:05
Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:

I have not reported their 200 emails as spam.  What do 
the list members do when people send them 200+ emails
referenceing the SPF website and why?

If that's about mails I have NOT sent, ideally SPF FAIL,
I'd report this as spam.  That is a core concept of SPF:

(1) spammer forges my FAIL-protected address
(2) receiver rejects FAIL at their border MTA
(3) spammer won't create a bounce to me - in theory
    they could, but of course it would be reportable
    spam, what else ?

Alternative scenario (relevant for SPF):

(1) spammer forges my FAIL-protected address
(2) primary receiver forwards to third party
(3) 3rd party rejects FAIL at their border MTA
(4) primary receiver (forwarder) sends bounce to me.
    Same result as above, this *IS* reportable spam.
    Taking "traditional forwarders" out of business
    (half-open relays) is a core point of SPF FAIL.


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  • [spf-discuss] Re: Obivous forged email reply with bad SPF info... Here is a header..., Frank Ellermann <=