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[spf-discuss] Re: SPF-EAI

2008-08-06 07:44:48
Alessandro Vesely wrote on the DISCUSS list:

[See http://www.openspf.org/Community/TempLoaclpartMacroWarn ]

For your Website write access request I can't tell who can 
handle that - my password died together with my old box a
year ago.  Julian can, but he wasn't around for some weeks,
maybe Alex, Scott, or Stuart can handle it.

"Thingy" (Julian's wiki software) does not cover its own
configuration files, I think - could be wrong, maybe this
depends on the installation - and needs a shell account for
such tasks.

Until we figure out how this can be arranged I could copy
your table to the i18n article, or to a subpage of this
article.  Another idea is to *include* it there as is - I
forgot how that's done with "thingy", but it was straight
forward, and I'd know where to find a recipe.

I fear OE + GMaNe don't support Followup-To: Webmasters ;-)

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