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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Still down and unreachable... www.openspf.org

2008-09-16 19:19:04
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Julian Mehnle wrote:
Boyd Lynn Gerber wrote:
www.openspf.org is still down and not responding.  Does anyone have
access to the machine?  We really need to get this fixed.   I keep
getting responses from people I refer to the site about not being able
to get the information.

The site is ... was? ... running on Wayne's box.  Unfortunately Scott and
I have been unable to reach Wayne for the past two weeks (even before the
box actually went down).  Even more unfortunately, there's little we can
do now, since we don't even control the domain name.  It's in Wayne's
hands until we manage to get ahold of him. :-(

What happens if something has happened to Wayne? Do we have a backup? Is he the only one authorised? I thought the Council was going to have multiple people on it? Is there a backup of the site some where? I know I wanted to mirror it, but never got access to it. I do have a lot of the public svn local, but that is all I have. I guess I am thinking it is time we come up with a plan B. I hope Wayne is all right but just incase. We need to have options.


- --
Boyd Gerber <gerberb(_at_)zenez(_dot_)com>
ZENEZ   1042 East Fort Union #135, Midvale Utah  84047
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)


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