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[spf-discuss] missing #include s in libspf2

2009-03-16 06:06:42

I exploit this list to report a bug in libspf2, as I tried to report to both
rt.anarres.org and spf-devel without success in the past weeks.

The bug prevents successful compilation of programs using SPF
that don't manipulate sockets directly. Concretely, two header files
lack to include a necessary header:

1) spf_request.h uses "struct in_addr" and "structu in_addr6" for
SPF_request_struct, but does not #include <netinet/in.h> in itself
or its parent spf_server.h .

2) spf_dns_rr.h uses "time_t" for "SPF_dns_rr_t", but does not
include <sys/types.h> to define it.


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  • [spf-discuss] missing #include s in libspf2, Mij <=