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Re: [spf-discuss] Liniking problem

2010-11-21 17:45:53
On Sun, 21 Nov 2010, Dunmer wrote:


Sorry for bother you again with lame question, but I'm stuck on linking with

I got these errors:

g++ -L/usr/local/lib -o"CstpSpf"  ./src/SpfResolver.o ./src/cstp_spf.o
./src/SpfResolver.o: In function `SpfResolver':
/home/dunmer/workspace/CstpSpf/Debug/../src/SpfResolver.cpp:14: undefined
reference to `SPF_dns_resolv_new(SPF_dns_server_struct*, char const*, int)'
/home/dunmer/workspace/CstpSpf/Debug/../src/SpfResolver.cpp:16: undefined
reference to `SPF_dns_cache_new(SPF_dns_server_struct*, char const*, int,
/home/dunmer/workspace/CstpSpf/Debug/../src/SpfResolver.cpp:17: undefined
reference to `SPF_dns_set_conserve_cache(SPF_dns_server_struct*, int)

With this simple code:

this->spfResolvServer = SPF_dns_resolv_new(NULL, "spfResolv", DEBUG);
this->spfCacheServer = SPF_dns_cache_new(this->spfResolvServer, "spfCache",
SPF_dns_set_conserve_cache(this->spfCacheServer, CACHE_CONSERVE);

DEBUG, CACHE_CONSERVE and CACHE_SIZE are my constants.
I have built and installed libspf and its located in /usr/local/lib. I tried
to move it to the /usr/lib with no success. I'm using Eclipse for C/C++ and
I have set libspf2 in libraries.
What am I doing wrong? Google didn't help. And what is with libspf2.org?

I will really appreciate your help. Thank you very much!

Not sure whats going on, libspf2 has those symbols on my box and i can 
link a simple program (attached) with:

gcc -o fish -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lspf2 foo.c

It could be that your -o"CstpSpf" is being miss interpreted and needs a 

P.S. you can use 'ldd' to see which libraries a lib or binary is linked 
against and 'nm' to see which symbols a library or program exports or 

[http://pointless.net/]                                   [0x2ECA0975]

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