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[spf-discuss] Wording of the IP parameter, was SPFv3 proposal: rawfail result

2011-02-04 12:58:03
On 04/Feb/11 17:11, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
If it is not clear in the spec that you SHOULD NOT reject on -all
when not actually evaluated on an MX for the original RCPT TO domain, then we
should make that clear.

Yes, please.  The spec mentions that checking "can be performed
elsewhere in the mail processing chain", but then it says (twice)

   <ip>   - the IP address of the SMTP client that is emitting the
            mail, either IPv4 or IPv6.

Formally, the client that /is emitting/ the mail is the previous hop,
isn't it?  IMHO, that deserves an errata.

Perhaps the correct wording could be based on a formal definition of
border, along the lines of http://www.openspf.org/Community/Glossary

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