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Re: XPath Visualizer -- Sorry? (Was: Re: [Announce] XMLSPY 5 Released - Includes XSLT Debugging and HTML to XSLT conversion utilities.)

2002-09-16 11:54:30
Because some people are asking for the link:


--- Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com> wrote:
From the product description:
"XSL Editing and Debugging
Stylesheets are easy to write using the built-in XSL editor, which
includes full debugging, XPath visualizer..."

To all XSLT programmers:

The XPath Visualizer has been around for more than two years. It has
always been  a ***free*** tool and will always be ***free***.

As it happens a company may take the name of a successful free (and
fact open-source) tool and use it for a component of its $399

I am not commenting on the ethical side of this phenomenon... but my
message to you is:

Please, do never mix the XPath Visualizer 


with whatever some company would call by the same name, whether this
might be done intentionally in order to use the popularity of the
and ***free*** XPath Visualizer and to confuse the people into
their money for the fake, or just out of sheer ignorance.

How ugly can commercialism get?

Dimitre Novatchev.

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