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Re: Newbie: template match using a mix of namespace prefix and none p refix

2002-09-09 01:38:50
Hi Palmer,

I have troubles finding a template match when the Xpath is
consisting of mixed with and without namespace prefix.
(It is an OAGIS 7.1 message based on XDR and not XSD if that matters...)

1) Absolute path, not working
NSMETHD" mode="copy">

2) A relative path not working
<xsl:template match="///POHEADER/of:USERAREA/of:TRANSMETHD" mode="copy">

My guess would be that these paths aren't working because the msg,
req, dta, SHOW_PO_007, DATAAREA, SHOW_PO and/or POHEADER elements are
in a namespace in your XML document. Without seeing your source
document I can't tell, but this seems to be the most likely

If you have a default namespace declaration in your source document
then you should have a similar namespace declaration in your XSLT
stylesheet, but one that associates that namespace with a prefix. You
should then use that prefix in your files. For example if you declare
it with the prefix 'oagis' then you should use:

<xsl:template match="oagis:POHEADER/of:USERAREA/of:TRANSMETHD"

3) This one is working, but now I may match POLINE tags as well...
<xsl:template match="//of:USERAREA/of:TRANSMETHD" mode="copy">

This template will only match of:TRANSMETHD elements that are children
of of:USREAREA elements, so I don't understand why you say that it
might match POLINE elements as well.

Having '//' at the start of a pattern is always superfluous. The
match pattern:


does just the same thing as the match pattern:


it's just in the latter pattern, as well as testing whether the
of:TRANSMETHD element has a of:USERAREA parent, you're testing whether
that of:USERAREA element is a descendant of the root node. Every
element in the document is a descendant of the root node, so there's
little point testing that.



Jeni Tennison

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