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RE: XML document to WORD??

2002-10-15 09:45:57
Hi Gert

Gert said:
Why would you prefer DSSSL instead of XSLT if your dealing with XML?

Didier replies:
The context was: translating an XML document into a word document (i.e
either doc or rtf).

So, if your question is about:
a) You know an XSLT processor able to transform XML into RTF, then
please go on, tell me (us) which one it is.
b) If you imply that DSSSL cannot be used to process XML documents, then
yes it can. If you need to transform the structure of your document then
it may be a bit tricky if the structure doesn't need to be modified and
the document just needs to be rendered then DSSSL is not harder than CSS
to use (If you use DSSSL as you would be using CSS).

Didier PH Martin

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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