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seemingly simple transform, need idea how to do it.

2002-10-08 06:48:07
Here is my XML
   <person firstName="Johnny">
      <date day="2002-01-01">
           <funThing>Ate Pizza</funThing>
           <badThing>Hit Brother</badThing>
        <date day="2002-02-01">
           <funThing>Bought Bike</funThing>
           <badThing>Stole Candy</badThing>
        <date day="2002-03-01">
           <funThing>Ran in Park</funThing>
           <badThing>Skipped class</badThing>
   <person firstName="Billy">
      <date day="2002-01-01">
           <funThing>Swam in lake</funThing>
           <badThing>Told a lie</badThing>
        <date day="2002-02-01">
           <funThing>Jumped on Tramp</funThing>
           <badThing>Hid valuables</badThing>
        <date day="2002-03-01">
           <funThing>Visited Disney</funThing>

Here is what I want in my output:

                Johnny FunThing         Johnny BadThing         Billy FunThing  
Billy BadThing 
2002-01-01      Ate Pizza               Hit Brother     Swam in lake    Told a 
2002-02-01      Bought Bike     Stole Candy     Jumped on Tramp Hid valuables 
2002-03-01      Ran in Park     Skipped class   Visited Disney  Cussed 

Here is my xsl that kinda works (shows correct output but sorting doesn't work):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">
<xsl:template match="/">
<table border="1">
        <td>Johnny FunThing</td>
        <td>Johnny BadThing</td>
        <td>Billy FunThing</td>
        <td>Billy BadThing</td>
   <xsl:for-each select="people/person/date[../@firstName = 'Johnny']">
   <xsl:sort select="@day" order="ascending" data-type="text"/>
   <xsl:variable name="pos" select="position()"/>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="@day"/></td>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="funThing"/></td>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="badThing"/></td>
      <td><xsl:for-each select="../../person/date[../@firstName = 
'Billy'][position() = $pos]"><xsl:value-of 
      <td><xsl:for-each select="../../person/date[../@firstName = 
'Billy'][position() = $pos]"><xsl:value-of 

I want to be able to sort on the Billy funThing or Billy badThing columns.  
Seems like I am doing too much to set variable with position, jump out of that 
loop to get the Billy contents.

any help would be appreciated.


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