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RE: Can XSLT produce binary output: ASN.1-BER

2002-11-25 16:57:08
[ bryan]

As per my admittedly limited understanding BER is a format 
for establishing Binary Encoding Rules, and not a binary 
format itself. In other words I have always understood it to 
be text, a quick google seems to confirm me in this belief, 
if you can show me elsewhere that this is not so I would be 

BER stands for "Basic Encoding Rules", although the result is virtually
certain to be a binary structure.  Rather than try to create BER using
xslt, which would be impossible in general (since you cannot create all
the binary characters even if you could otherwise compute the data
structures), you could (theoretically) transform the xml to XER format,
then get an asn.1 decoder/encoder that can turn that into some other
asn.1 encoding, like BER or PER.

Sound pretty unrewarding to me.


Tom P

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