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Concat dynamically assigned xslt

2002-11-25 14:15:43
I am not sure if this is a cocoon specific problem or solveable with XSL
only. I have this problem.

I am working on a CMS where non-programmers can feed articles to a db.
Cocoon output those articles in different ways. The problematic view is the
multi-article page. There abstracts of many different article types are
displayed. As I want the system to be extensible - that means without one
big pre-.made xslt - the user can write there own stylesheet for EVERY
article. All they should have to do is save the xsl and write its path to
the db.

As I have this multi-article view I would need to dynmically merge all
assigned xslt to one sytlesheet that could be a cocoon transformer in my

<map:match pattern="abstractpage_*.html">
    <map:generate src="getEverythingFromDBAsXML.xsp"/>
    <map:transform src="dynamicallyGenerated.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

    <ABSTRACT nr="1" styleMeWith="first.xsl">
    <ABSTRACT nr="5 styleMeWith="fifth.xsl

Can you imagine a solution to this problem. Maybe with meta-stylesheets?

Thanks in advance!


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