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Re: Mozilla and the document() function

2002-11-13 14:06:19
I use Mozilla 1.1 and tested it with a file from Jeni's page. In the JavaScript console I see following error:

Security Error: Content at file:///D:/xml/test.xsl may not load data from http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/index.xml.



Jeffrey Winter wrote:
Does Mozilla 1.x's implementation of the XSLT document() function work
with URLs?

I have been able to read in local files, e.g.:

  <xsl:variable name="data" select="document('test.xml'))"/>

but if I try to read the same file through a web server it isn't able to read it:

  <xsl:variable name="data"

The Content-Type of the response from the web server is "text/xml".

This works fine with Xalan and MSXML for example.

Is there something I'm missing? Any insight on using document() to
access XML documents over URLs would be appreciated.


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