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Re: key grouping with non-existing or empty elements

2002-12-29 21:25:19
Hello Xiaocun,

getting what you want is really simple using keys, you only must set it
up as top-level element and use string(cell[(_at_)column='6']) as grouping key. So both non-existing element and empty element are evaluated to empty string "":

<xsl:key name="rows" match="row" use="string(cell[(_at_)column='6'])"/>

<xsl:template match="rootelement">
   <table border="1">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="row[generate-id() =
generate-id(key('rows', string(cell[(_at_)column='6'])))]" mode="start-group"/>

<xsl:template match="row" mode="start-group">
     <td>starting a new group with content of column 6: "<xsl:text/>
       <xsl:value-of select="cell[(_at_)column='6']"/>"<xsl:text/>
   <xsl:apply-templates select="key('rows', string(cell[(_at_)column='6']))"/>

<xsl:template match="row">
       <xsl:value-of select="cell[(_at_)column='1']"/>



Xiaocun Xu wrote:

I have a question regarding grouping with key. Following is the input XML example:

<row row="1">
        <cell column="1">default_item1</cell>
        <cell column="6"></cell>
<row row="2">
        <cell column="1">default_item2</cell>
<row row="3">
        <cell column="1">lot01_item1</cell>
        <cell column="6">lot01</cell>
<row row="4">
        <cell column="1">lot02_item2</cell>
        <cell column="6">lot02</cell>

I have a number of items that need to be grouped by
lot (cell[column=6]).  As you can see, this cell is
I need to group rows that does not have cell[6] and
rows have cell[6] as empty string into the same group,
then process each of the row within the group via:
<xsl:apply-templates select="key('lineitemLotsKey',
$lotName)" mode="LineItem"/>

        The way I currently handling this is not very
1. create a key on lot (cell 6) for all rows with cell
6 element:
        <xsl:variable name="LineItemLotColumn" select="6"/>
        <xsl:key name="lineitemLotsKey" match="//row[(_at_)row
&gt; $LineItemHeaderRow and
2. create a separate variable that contains rows that
does not have cell 6 element:
        <xsl:variable name="LineItemDefaultLot"
select="//row[(_at_)row &gt; $LineItemHeaderRow and
3. process $LineItemDefaultLot separately.
4. when process rows in key lineitemLotsKey, check for
string(cell[6]).  If empty, then does similar
processing as #3.

Of course, a slight improvement would be for #2,
instead of get all rows that does not have cell 6
element, also get all rows that has cell 6 element
equal to empty string.  That way, I would not need to
check for string(cell[6]) in step #4.

Is there a more elegent way than these above?



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