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RE: superfluous namespace declarations with xsl:element

2002-12-11 02:17:48
 > Why are you using <xsl:element name="{name()}"> rather 
than <xsl:copy>?

I have to manipulate the text content of these nodes (for the ones,
that have "[]" around themselves, I use a separate lookup table,
replacing the actual [value] by the one I found).

I don't understand the detail of what you want to do, but

  ... some instructions here ...

is more-or-less equivalent to:

<xsl:element name="{name()}">
  ... some instructions here ...

The only differences are in the way that namespaces are handled, which
probably won't affect you.

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael(_dot_)H(_dot_)Kay(_at_)ntlworld(_dot_)com
work: Michael(_dot_)Kay(_at_)softwareag(_dot_)com 

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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