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RE: No-output identity template?

2003-01-23 09:23:43
G. Ken Holman wrote:

At 2003-01-23 09:42 -0500, cknell(_at_)onebox(_dot_)com wrote:
I have included an XML data document, an XSLT stylesheet, and the
resulting output. The XML and XSLT have been severly edited for brevity.
The problem I have been working for several hours is the
extraneous? "Bugs Bunny" text node output at the end of the output
document. I don't know what template or rule is causing its creation,

Your <xsl:apply-templates> in your root node template rule is
selecting all child nodes because you do not have a select= attribute.
The <item> is one of the child nodes.  Without a template rule for
<item>, the built-in  template rules engage and all children are
processed, which includes text nodes.  Without a template rule for text
nodes, the built-in template rule is adding the text node to the result.

I suspect I need some sort of rule with no output, but I haven't
been able to discover what the rule should match.

<xsl:template match="menu/item" mode="sub-menu" priority="-1"/>

This will not conflict with match="item[item]" because the inferred
priority of that rule is ".5".

Is there a reason not just use 'match="item[not(item)]"' instead?  This
seems to me to express the desired behavior more precisely, and it does not
require the priority setting to work correctly in the general case.

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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