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Re: Can I substitute a predefined path/expression within the [..] tags?

2003-01-23 08:26:56
Hi Ganesh,

I have several references in my stylesheet to a pattern that resembles:

Node[(_at_)name='AA' or @name='BB']

With time, I continuously need to update this pattern to include
newer attributes @name='CC', @name='DD' and so on.

Instead of repeating this addition in every match in the stylesheet,
I am wondering if there is some way to store this path/expression:

myexpression = "Node[(_at_)name='AA' or @name='BB']" or
myexpression = "@name='AA' or @name='BB' "

and use 'myexpression' in my pattern matches. That way, I will have
only one location to update. I have tried using variables without

I think that the best thing is to construct a list of the names that
you're interested in and then check whether @name is in that list.

You could use a string containing the list:

  <xsl:variable name="names" select="' AA BB '" />
    select="Node[contains($names, concat(' ', @name, ' '))]" />

Or you could construct a node set containing the names as a list of
elements. For example, you could have a separate document, names.xml,
that looked like:


and then do:

  <xsl:variable name="names"
                select="document('names.xml')/names/name" />
  <xsl:apply-templates select="Node[(_at_)name = $names]" />

You could use the latter method with a result tree fragment that you
convert to a node set using an extension node-set() function if you
didn't want to create a separate document.


Jeni Tennison

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list