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Breaking up XML(XHTML) into pages

2003-03-24 09:33:12

Hi all,

I have a an XHTML file and i want to break it into pages.
I have a standart header and a footer and i whant to apply them in each page.

My problem is with the parameter (page_number) that i set.

Above is the code that i use in my xsl in order to choose a spesific h2:

<xsl:template match="//div[(_at_)class='section'][$page_number]//h2">
<xsl:if test="./xhtml:h2">
<input name="page_number" value="{$page_number}"/>
5. <xsl:value-of select="*">

I have declared the parameter at the top of my stylesheet, like that:

<xsl:param name="page_number" select=" '5' "/>

But i don't get the fifth h2 as a page.

Any ideas?

Leonidas Kanellos

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