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Re: Perl workaround for XSLT escaped UTF-8 pass-thru to XHTML

2003-03-21 22:04:33
Gan Uesli Starling wrote:
Mike Brown wrote:

Now as for your other problem, I fail to see what the problem is with having
encoded characters in the document. If the document is UTF-8 or UTF-16
encoded, there's no need to ever use a numeric character reference, so long as the document or delivery protocol properly declares the encoding. The browser will handle it just fine, as long as the user has not overridden the encoding
(which, sadly, they are allowed to do).

Is on an Apache 2.0 server on NetBSD 1.6 in my home. May be that Apache
is defaulting to UTF-8 for XML and not for HTML?
Okay, there seems to be an issue with Apache here. I FTP'd the
file to another Apache server running under FreeBSD to see if
it did the same there. It did not. I will investigate and report

Solved! My generic installation of Apache 2 on NetBSD 1.6
held this line...

AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1

...so I changed it to...

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

...then re-started Apache and that fixed it.

I will hang onto that Perl script as a possible
workaround for if I did NOT have control of the
web server...since it worked in spite of the
Apache default charset being opposed.




 Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird

 <(+)__       Gan Uesli Starling
  ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA
    ++        http://starling.us

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