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RE: document function in xslt

2003-03-21 00:36:16

does the use of this document function lower the speed of my 
i.e. if i have:

<xsl:variable name="config-top" select="document( 'names.xml' 

does it act as a variable where by onces set it doesn't depend on the
availability of
names.xml document any more?

I didn't quite get the last sentence. Anyhow, most, if not all processors, 
evaluate variable only when they're needed, so if you don't use $config-top 
anywhere, the document names.xml is not fetched and read into a source tree. 
Also, processors cache the documents for the duration of the transformation (or 
life-span of e.g. Transformer object), so if it's used in multiple locations in 
your stylesheet, processed only once. 


Jarno - Ivory Frequency: Today is the Day

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